Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Endocrine Pulmonary Drill

Seizure Meds

Seizure meds:

1st Line for prolonged seizures and status epilepticus: Benzos, esp. Clonazepam: GABA chlorine channel allosteric inducers, incr. frequency of chlorine channel opening, (as opposed to barbiturates which increase duration) Mnemonic: bEnzos increase Freq, while bArbiturates increase Duration. E comes after A in the alphabet and F comes after D; or Ben pees Frequently, but Barb takes a long time in the bathroom.

Ethosuximide: Absence only, Mechanism is calcium channel blockade

All others are sodium channel blockers:

Valproate: Absense + T-clonic
Phenytoin: T-Clonic + Status epilepticus
Phenobarbitol: T-Clonic