Positive sense RNA | ||
Naked | ||
Polyprotein product | ||
Cleaved portion of polyprotein | ||
Hep A | ||
Hepatosplenomegaly | ||
Fecal oral transmission | ||
Enteroviruses | ||
Polio, Echovirus, Coxsackie | ||
Aseptic meningitis | ||
CSF glucose normal | ||
Elevated protein | ||
No organisms visible on microscope | ||
Children most affected by meningitis | ||
Rhinovirus | ||
Upper respiratory infection |
Wednesday, December 28, 2016
Polio Virus
Coxsackie Virus A and B
Hepadnaviridae: Hepatitis B
Hepadnaviridae: Hep B Virus (and Deltavir.: HDV) "The Hippy Pad" | |
In viral hepatitis ALT > AST (ALT beachball is high, AST is low) | |
ALT rises in acute phase and falls dramatically afterwards (") | |
Give at-risk infants anti-Hep B IgG antibodies along with killed vaccination (kid has IgG) | |
Partially double-strand DNA virus | |
Intranuclear AND Cytoplasmic replication | |
Coinfection with Hep B and D is better prognosis than superinfection with Hep D. | |
Hep D requires HbsAg to be infectious | |
Hep B has Circular genome | |
Hep D is RNA negative virus | |
HBV uses reverse transcriptase | |
Chronic infection leads to cirrhosis | |
Assoc. with hepatocellular carcinoma | |
Assoc. with membranoproliferative nephritis | |
Assoc. with membranous nephritis | |
Causes arthralgias | |
After polyarteritis nodosa, kidney disease | |
Purpuric macules | |
90% of neonate infections become chronic | |
Transmitted during delivery from mixing of maternal and fetal blood | |
10% of adult HBV infections become chronic | |
Transmitted via sex and blood products (sign) | |
TORCH infection (tiki torches) | |
Rx: Lamivudine, NRTIs, Interferon Alpha, (Lamb, alpha and omega, NRTI lady) | |
HbSAg = Hb Surface antigen = envelope, 1st serum marker of infection | |
HbEAg, sign of increased infectivity | |
Anti-HbC antibodies, first detectable antibody. Only seen in infection, not vax. | |
Anti-HbE antibodies, seen later | |
Anti-HbS, indicate immunity or recovery from infection. Seen in vaxed and recovered |
Poxviridae: Smallpox
Largest Physical Size DNA virus family | |
Replicates in cytoplasm | |
Replicates in incusion bodies called Guarnieri bodies in cytoplasm | |
Dumbbell shaped core | |
Poxviruses form their own envelopes | |
Smallpox | |
Same-age lesions, as opposed to VZV multiple stages at once | |
Lesions more on trunk, whereas VZV more on extremities | |
Has DNA-dependent RNA polymerase | |
Cowpox: contact with infected cow udders, confers smallpox immunity | |
Molluscum contagiosum | |
Diffuse infection in adults suggests HIV | |
Flesh-colored, dome-shaped, umbilicated lesions | |
Umbilicated lesions on trunk in children |
Live vaccine for military recruits (camo shirts) |
Fecal-oral transmission (lion eating near poop) |
Respiratory droplet transmission (drops from stalactites) |
Children commonly afffected (kids in camo) |
Public swimming pool outbreaks (kid swimming) |
Conjunctivitis, Pink eye (red eyes in the darkness) |
Adenitis, Tonsilitis, Hemorrhagic cystitis (cave is red like tonsils, statue is peeing red) |
Parvoviridae: Parvovirus B19
Parvovirus: B19 = 5th Disease = Slapped cheek dz | ||
Causes aplastic anemia in sickle cell pts (sickle on a plane over a spider-web bone) | ||
Lacy rash starts on face and moves downwards | ||
Joint pain, arthritis (because B19 replicates primarily in bone marrow, guy on his knees) and edema (fat guy) in adults | ||
Can mimic Rheumatoid arthritis, but no RF, no citrullated proteins, infectious, and self-resolves. | ||
Smallest DNA virus (blue walls) | ||
Only single strand DNA virus (single runway) | ||
Vertical transmission TORCHES infection | ||
Respiratory droplet transmission | ||
Can cause hydrops fetalis |
Guardasil is inactivated subunit vaccine, protects against types 6,11, 16, 18. | |
HPV 1-4: Common wart, no vaccine (1 and 4 yo with warts) | |
HPV 6 and 11 | |
Laryngeal papillomatosis (11 yo eating frogs) | |
Anogenital warts = condyloma accuminata from sexual transmission (kid putting frogs in pants) | |
HPV 16, 18, 31, 33 | |
Anogenital cancers (frog on seat of chair) | |
Immunocompromised at increased risk and decreased latent period (gal has cane) | |
E7 gene (straw shaped like a 7) disrupts RB antitumor gene (straw in Root Beer) | |
Pap smear: if positive, see koilocytes (on table) | |
E6 gene disrupts P53 suppressor (fork in shrimp next to crab (cancer) cracker) |
JC Virus and BK Virus
BK virus (Brutus Kills) | |
hemorrhagic cystitis (blood fountain behind brutus) | |
BK nephropathy in transplant pts (meat on ice falling behind Brutus) | |
JC virus (Julius Caesar) | |
Non-enhancing multifocal brain lesions in white matter (white garland around Caesar's head) | |
Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy (PML, statue of Caesar says PML) | |
Leukoencephalopathy demyelinates nerves (table legs being demyelinated) | |
Active in HIV pts with CD4 < 200 (200 senators) |
Human Herpes Virus 8
Kaposi-s Sarcoma |
Kaposi lesions commonly on the hard palate |
Causes proliferation of vasculature |
Vasculature prolif. Looks similar to Bacillary angiomatosis from Bartonella henselae: panther |
Infection of B-cells can cause Primary Effusion = B-cell Lymphoma |
Violaceous lesions on nose, extremities and mucous membranes |
AIDS and immunosuppressed associated |
Lesions in GI tract |
Causes dysregulation of VEG-F growth factor |
Higher incidence in Russian men |
Human Herpes Virus 6 and 7
Roseola |
Exanthema subitum |
4 day fever |
Develops febrile seizures |
Infects CD4 T cells |
After fever, a diffuse lacy body rash occurs that spares the face |
Affects children 6 months to 2 years and is self-limiting |
Although they may be unnecessary for exanthema subitum, the use of cytomegalovirus treatments (valganciclovir, ganciclovir,[8] cidofovir, and foscarnet) have shown some success.[3]
Varicella Zoster Virus
Chicken Pox; Shingles = Herpes zoster |
HIV pts with CD4 > 200 may be given VZV vaccine |
Shingles reactivation with stress, aging or immune compromise |
Postherpetic neuralgia = pain after the rash is gone |
Live zoster virus vaccine for adults over 60 yo |
Herpes zoster opthalmicus, CN1 involvement leading to blindness |
Encephalitis, especially in immunocompromised |
Vesicular "dew drops on rose-petal" lesions |
Fever and headache |
Rx: valcyclovir, famcyclovir for shingles |
Rx: Acyclovir for children +12, adults, immunocompromised |
Live attenuated children's chicken pox vaccine |
Respiratory droplet transmission |
Tzanck smears: Multinucleated Giant Cells (Same as HSV 1 and 2) |
Vertical TORCHES transmission |
Congenital Varicella syndrome: limb hypoplasia, dermatomal scarring, blindness |
Latent in dorsal root ganglia |
Enveloped virus |
Extremely painful rash |
Shingles has dewdrop on rosepetal appearance, dermatomal distribution |
In immunocompromised pts, if VZV crosses midline, is said to be disseminated VZV |
Rx: Gancyclovir | |
80-90% infected are asymptomatic | |
Congenital CMV | |
Hepatosplenomegaly and Jaundice | |
Seizures | |
Hydrops fetalis | |
Blueberry muffin rash | |
#1 viral cause of hearing loss and retardation | |
Periventricular calcifications | |
Ventriculomegaly | |
Owl's eye inclusions | |
Lymphadenopathy similar to Mononucleosis | |
TORCHES infection | |
Pharyngitis | |
Rx: Foscarnet if resistant to Gancyclovir | |
UL97 Kinase gene mutation leads to Gancyclovir resistance | |
Can be latent in B and T cells, macrophages or other mononuclear immune cells | |
Attacks immunosuppressed with CD4 counts < 50. | |
CMV colitis | |
Linear ulcerations in CMV esophagitis | |
CMV retinitis causes pizza pie look under retinoscopy |
Epstein Barr Virus
Herpes Simplex Virus
Enveloped, dsDNA, positive sense virus | |
Dx: Fluoroscein slit lamp exam reveals serpinginous corneal ulcers | |
Rx: Acyclovir and valacyclovir to prevent breakouts | |
Dx: Fluoroscein slit lamp exam reveals serpinginous corneal ulcers | |
Vertical (mother to fetus) transmission | |
Intranuclear Cowdry inclusion bodies | |
Erythema mutiforme 1-2 wks after infection | |
Herpetic whitlow, often in dentists | |
Keratoconjunctivitis | |
Tzanck smear: multinucleated giant cells (same as VZV) | |
Dewdrops on rose petal vesicle on erythematous base appearance | |
HSV1 | |
#1 cause of sporadic encephalitis in the USA | |
latent in trigeminal ganglia | |
Gingivostomatitis is the first sign | |
Herpes labialis = "cold sores" | |
HSV2 | |
Painful inguinal lymphadenopathy | |
latent in sacral ganglia | |
May cause aseptic meningitis in teens and adults |
Double-stranded, segmented virus | |
Naked | |
Infections more common in winter | |
Colorado tick virus | |
myalgia | |
fevers | |
vomiting | |
Rotavirus | |
Watery, secretory diarrhea | |
NSP4 toxin causes chloride permeability, leads to secretory diarrhea | |
Tx: rehydration | |
Live attenuated oral vaccine | |
11 RNA segments | |
#1 cause of severe diarrhea in infants and children, Children at risk |
Negative RNA helical virus | |
CCHRS: California Enceph, Crimean Congo, Hantavirus, Ritf Valley/San fly virus | |
Hantavirus | |
3 Segmented virus | |
Transmitted via rodent urine and feces | |
Deer mouse is reservoir | |
Pre-renal azotemia | |
Enveloped from Golgi body | |
Hemhorragic fever | |
Pulmonary capillary leak | |
Arboviruses: California, Rift Valley fevers | |
Aedes mosquito | |
Seizures | |
Encephalitis |
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