Thursday, November 24, 2016

Rating of Pitting Edema and other Scales

Pitting Edema: scale of 0-3
0:none, the non-abnormal finding.
1+:pit returns to normal in under 30 seconds.

2+: " in 30 sec to 5 min.

3+:" in longer than 5 min.

Muscle strength: 0-5
0- no muscle mvmt at all
1/5-muscle flicker
2/5-able to move, but not vs gravity.
3/5-able to move vs gravity,  but not vs moderate physician force.
4/5 less strong than normal,  but able to move against moderate physician force.
5/5 full muscle strength. The non-abnormal finding.

Reflex strength:0-4
1+: hypoactive reflex
2+: the non-abnormal finding. Ordinary reflex response.
3+:hyperactive reflex.
4+:hyperactive reflex with sustained clonus.

Pulse strength:
1+: hypoactive pulse
2+: the non-abnormal finding. Ordinary pulse response.
3+:hyperactive pulse.
4+:hyperactive bounding pulse.

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